Monday 7 July 2014

Lose at least100 lbs in next 30 days

LOSE AT LEAST 100 lbs in next 30 days

Latest statistics show that more than 65 percent of American adults and 17 percent of children and adolescents ages 2 through 19 are overweight or obese. These sobering statistics of this  ticking time-bomb has compelled countless individuals to pay more attention to their weight and health. More and more people today are trying to lose weight; but only a few manage to succeed and achieve their weight loss goals.

1. Expecting too much too soon.
Expecting to see weight loss too soon is an extremely common diet goal.  A lot of people set themselves up for derailment and failure by expecting to see great changes in their weight in a short period of time. Realistic goal setting should be a central part of a weight loss regimen.  You should remember that you have not piled up that amount of weight overnight, so naturally, you won’t be losing it overnight either. Most experts would say that expecting to lose a pound or two per week is just right.


2. Being overly restrictive with their diet.
Food is a crucial element in weight loss. One cannot possibly lose weight without reducing the amount of calories they consume or as they say, going on a diet. However, going a very restrictive diet that involves drastic calorie reduction and total elimination of certain foods can be counterproductive. Too little food intake (i.e., caloric intake of less than 50% of what your body requires) slows down the metabolism; while elimination of certain types of food can give rise to cravings and overeating. There is no need for such drastic measures to lose weight, the key to effective weight loss is portion control and smart food choices.


3. Relying on weight loss supplements.
The weight-loss industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry, all thanks to people who have the “quick fix” mentality. A lot of people make the huge mistake of believing the grand promises of dubious supplements and over-the-counter diet pills. Many of these supplements are ineffective and are just a total waste of money. If there are those that actually cause you to lose weight, the dangerous effects they pose to your health can be overwhelming.

4. Giving up too soon.
Falling off the weight loss track happens to everyone. With the difficulty of the entire weight loss process, setbacks are nothing unusual. But some people after skipping several workout sessions or after ditching healthy eating for a massive feast of high-calorie food lose the motivation to get back to their weight loss regimen. If you want to succeed with your plans to lose weight, you should get ready to meet failures and moments of weakness. Accept setbacks for what they are and find ways to overcome them and move forward.

5. Believing that going to the gym is a must.
A lot of people fail to lose weight because they never even get started. And among the most common reason is that they cannot afford a gym membership fee. Many people have this notion that losing weight entails going to the gym. If you are one who thinks the same, you should consider re-thinking that idea. To lose weight, you need to expend energy or burn off calories, and there are many ways to do that without going to the gym. Walking is one of the best exercises around and it’s virtually free.

Aside from the fact that losing weight is a painstaking and will-testing endeavor, many people dive into the weight loss bandwagon with very little knowledge of what losing weight entails; hence, many end up failing. If you are planning to embark on a weight loss journey, you might want to equip yourself with the above information so that you don’t sabotage your pound-dropping goals–like the common pitfalls of weight loss aspirants.

Whether you want to lose 20 pounds, build muscle mass or just get into a better shape, being able to doing it fast and with efficiency can surely help. This is no the magic pill or an overnight makeover, but study shows that there are some real shortcuts that can help you speed up the weight loss process, thus leading to faster and greater fitness gains. Here are a six of the most easily applicable, and scientifically proven, weight loss shortcuts. These will not only help you trim down; they will also get you into the best shape (physical and mental) of your life.

10 (Lame) Fitness Rules You Need to Quit Being Seduced By
1. Pack in protein to build muscle.
Protein is key for healthy diet for many reasons. For starters, it’s crucial to building muscle and speeding up the recovery process—especially after a hard workout. Furthermore, protein can help you feel fuller for longer, thus prevent hunger pangs and unhealthy snacking, leading to faster fat loss results. As a result, shoot for at least 0.5 to two grams per pound of your body weight per day. If you’re regular gym-goer, aim for a minimum of 2g per pound of body weight to ensure proper recovery and muscle growth. Protein rich sources include lean meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. Add supplements to your diet if you have to.

2. Eat the right way.
We’re taught that we are what we eat, but we are also how we eat. Here are a few proper ways of eating:

Eat Slowly. Research shows that taking time with each meal can help you take in less calories while enjoying every bite of it.
Banish distraction. Eating on the move or while minding modern gadgets, such the iPhone, TV set or emails, leads to overeating and unhealthy snacking later on, according to study at the University of Bristol.
Keep track. Using a food journal to keep tags on your calorie intake will help you shed light on the hidden aspects of your nutrition habits, helping you discern what need changing or tweaking. Just going about your day mindless of your eating patterns is no help at all. It’ll only lead to more setbacks.
3. Shrink your plate.
The amount of calories you take in is in direct proportion to the size of the plates you use. This is a great psychological trick that can help you cut down on your calorie intake almost overnight. According to a study published at the American Journal of Prevention Medicine, if you eat from a larger plate, you’ll consume it up to 30 percent more food than if you used a smaller one. So downsize your dish and see your calorie intake decrease as a result.

4. Lose the sweet tooth.
Most health experts agree on one thing: sugars are the root-cause of the current obesity epidemic.  That’s sugars, plural, including high-fructose corn syrup, glucose, fructose and all of its synonyms.  One of the best ways to help you cut down on your sugar intake is via following a strict Glycemic Diet (G.I). Eat only low G.I. foods; this helps you keep blood sugar levels at bay, preventing cravings for sweets. For maximum results, shoot for foods ranking below 70 on the Glycemic Index.

5. Sprint for fat loss.
Sticking to long and steady cardio as means for weight loss is waste of time. Instead, think intervals and sprints. In fact, according to a study at the University of Western Ontario, subjects doing a 35-minute interval running workouts shed about 12 percent of their body fat after six weeks of training. In addition to fat loss, interval workouts boost VO2 max through the roof, and increase HDL—or what’s known as the “good” cholesterol, and will also help you ward off heart trouble. Make sure to include a five-minute slow jog as a warm-up and a cool-down.

6. Manage your expectations correctly.
When it comes to winning the weight loss race, slow and steady gets the gold. In fact, unrealistic weight loss expectations and yo-yo dieting go hand in hand, research from George Washington University revealed. According to the scientists, the subjects who were holding on unrealistic weight loss expectations experienced fluctuations of 20 pounds or more than those who expected a gradual weight loss. The path of constant improvement is crucial here. Shooting for an unrealistic goal will only get you discouraged, even hurt. Therefore, make sure to set your weight loss goals correctly. Set small goals and keep building on them. The first step is always the hardest one—this is especially true if you have encountered some sort of setback in the past.


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