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Friday 18 July 2014

10 Investment mistake you should always avoid

Whether you are investing to build a retirement fund, or to put your excess cash to work, you should always be wary of the following investment mistakes. These can ensnare an experienced investor as easily as they can entrap a rookie. Here are 10 investing mistakes to watch out for:

1. Investing while in debt.
The phrase “cheap debt” is thrown around by the financial experts routinely. However, it does not apply to credit cards. To invest money when one is living off credit cards is a big no-no. One should repay credit card debt as soon as possible.
Similarly, putting money aside for investment while having a student loan or a house mortgage might seem like a good idea, as the expected rate of return on the investment is higher than the expected cost of debt. However, the comparison is incorrect. Today’s cost of debt is being compared to tomorrow’s rate of return. We are coming out of the zero interest rate period, and it is not unreasonable to believe that debt will become expensive again over time. One should prioritize offloading all debt before one starts setting aside money for investments.

2. Investing with a very high cost of transaction.
When one buys or sells investments, one invariably coughs up fees and charges. In some cases, the cost of a transaction is quite high. When investing in a house, for example, be sure that you do not liquefy the investment within five to seven years. If you sell the house within that time frame, then the transaction costs will substantially eat into your rate of return.
Another avenue in which the costs are very high is investment in physical gold. Apart from the transactional costs of gold, one should account for the charges applicable for its safe and secure storage. It is more advisable to invest in gold ETFs instead of physical gold.

3. Investing with a single-minded focus on fund fees.
The internet is full of advice on choosing low-cost funds instead of paying a premium on funds managed by rock-star fund managers. Undoubtedly, a lot of advice is sound, but some investors make decisions purely based on fund fees while being ignorant to other parameters like the rate of returns they deliver, or the amount of asset diversification they have. In some cases fund houses use “cheap funds” as a marketing ploy. In Britain, HSBC’s Equity Tracker Fund has an expense ratio of 0.27% a year, while Virgin’s equivalent equity fund charges a full percentage point extra. However, both the funds are being heralded as low-cost funds by their respective fund houses.

4. Investing in hot tips.
Hot tips and fads rule the market, and just about everyone is an expert on the Next Big Thing. However, such advice should be taken with a grain of salt. Investment is a process, and due research is a necessary aspect of this process. After all, if you are not willing to put in the time and effort necessary when making an investment, you can’t expect your investment to reward you with your returns.

5. Investing decisions based on market conditions.
Market conditions cannot dictate one’s investment strategy. The inherent volatility in the market is frustrating, especially when investment portfolios underperform the benchmark index. Doubts start creeping into one’s investment strategy. However, investment strategies cannot change with the market cycles. It is imperative to have faith in one’s strategy, provided it is based on sound characteristics. A good strategy with a long-term outlook may under perform for a period of several months based on the market conditions, but in the long run it will reap the desired rewards.

6. Investing while overpaying for investment services and financial planners.
There are multiple avenues for investing one’s hard-earned money. To understand all the options out there you may need assistance, and that is where financial advisers come to our aid. However, when a financial adviser builds a portfolio of low-cost index ETFs, then one wonders if there is any value to the adviser. The cost advantage of investing in a cheap ETF is consumed by the fees of the adviser. Some advisers even receive hefty commissions for recommending investment products. If that is the case then the financial adviser’s motives will not match your interests. One should be wary of such advisers.

7. Investing on margin.
No matter how enticing an opportunity, one shouldn’t buy stocks or investments on margin. Margin trading has its benefits, but those should be left to the professionals. If the investment is leveraged, then one bad trade can wipe out a significant chunk of one’s investments and set one back significantly. In addition, when investing in property that is not for personal use but for investment, using housing loans is not a good strategy. The recent housing crisis points to the flaws of such leveraged investing. Bottom line: always invest with money that you have and can afford to lose without any adverse impact to your financial health.

8. Investing with an unrealistic expectation of return.
Investing with an unrealistic expectation of return, and without accounting for the compounding magic of time, is a strategy that is doomed to fail. In pursuit of manifold returns, people dabble in the penny stock market and end up burning their hard-earned money. In the end, if an investment idea sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

9. Investing out of fear and greed.
Emotions are attached to one’s investment decisions. We all feel joy when an idea works out to our benefit, and all feel despair when a decision goes bad. However, the emotions of greed and fear should not override one’s sense of logic and reason. Greed and failure prevent one from making smart decisions; they make one follow the herd mentality instead.

10. Investing without a plan.
Investing is a boring process. To see meaningful returns, one needs time to do its magic. Patience is key. An investment plan, revolving around meaningful financial goals, helps when things get rough. It provides motivation to save money when the same money could easily be spent on mundane activities. It provides the focus and determination required to pursue a life of financial independence.
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25 Truly Amazing Places You Must Visit

Grab a sheet of paper and a pencil, ladies and gentlemen. (Or in more modern terms, create a new note on Evernote.) It’s time to create that bucket list you’ve been meaning to write up. Item #1: Create a bucket list. Item #2: Travel the world.
About that second item …You’re going to need a few target destinations to lead your adventure. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. When on a journey to travel the globe, make sure each of these 25 amazing places are on the itinerary.
1. The Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest collection of coral reefs in the world, spanning over 1,400 miles. It’s so large that it can be seen from space, and it’s among one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World. It is the place to go diving, offering a one-of-a-kind display of underwater life.
2. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

As the only one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World still largely intact, the Pyramids of Giza are definitely worth a visit. Dating back to around 2,560 BC, the Great Pyramid of Giza stood as the tallest man-made structure for over 3,800 years.
3. Stonehenge, Amesbury, England

Lots of mystery surrounds Stonehenge, and contrary to those who believe it’s just a pile of 25-ton rocks, it’s actually a beautiful sight. Book a guided tour to visit the center, and at sunset, enjoy the stunning glow of the setting sun between Stonehenge’s pillars.
4. Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia

This massive salt flat–the largest in the world–spans a massive 4,086 square miles. Formed by several ancient lakes, this salt flat becomes so reflective in the rainy season that it’s used to calibrate satellites. It’s effectively the world’s largest mirror and a breathtaking sight.
5. The Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

Carved over thousands of years by the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon is a sight to behold that one simply can’t fathom without being there. The massive rock walls span for over 200 miles.

6. Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA

The Antelope Canyon in Arizona is a picturesque series of crevices you wouldn’t believe wasn’t a photography trick until you checked it out yourself. The way water carved out the crevices millions of years ago–coupled with the manner in which the light hits each wall–makes the rocks appear different colors, creating a dazzling display.

7. Easter Island, Rapa Nui, Chile

Like Stonehenge, no one really knows the story behind the 887 Easter Island “moai” statues. Even so, they offer visitors a great adventure. Plus, travelers can enjoy other Easter Island adventure options, like hiking and scuba diving.
8. Reed Flute Caves, China

Today, the Reed Flute Caves are highlighted by multicolored lights, turning the 240-meter-long cave system into a stunning experience. As one of China’s most popular attractions for over 1,200 years, it’s worth the visit to view these incredible stalactite, stalagmite, and pillar formations.

9. The Great Wall of China, China

This massive, man-made wall stretches thousands of miles long. Not only does the marvelous structure leave many visitors scrambling to pick up their jaws knowing it was made by human hands, but it’s atop a mountain ridge that delivers awe-inspiring views of the area.

10. Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia

This area is among one of the most beautiful in the world, with crystal clear waters, lush green scenery, and stunning waterfalls.

11. Zhangye Danxia Landform, Gansu, China

This incredible collection of rock formations is one of the most amazing worldwide. The rainbow rock features were created by sandstone and mineral deposits laid down over 24 million years ago.
12. The Great Blue Hole, Belize

Off the coast of Belize, divers find a submarine sinkhole called The Great Blue Hole, where the water is 407 feet deep. It’s over 980 feet wide and can easily be seen from above.
13. Redwood National Park, California, USA

The combined Redwood National and State Parks span over 133,000 acres across California’s north coast. These parks are home to the tallest growing species on Earth, the redwood tree, which can grow to be well over 300 feet tall.

14. Yellowstone National Park, USA

Yellowstone National Park spans over three states and features a variety of sights you don’t want to miss. This collection of hot springs and geysers will truly have you amazed. Some of the more popular areas in the park include the Old Faithful geyser and the Mammoth Hot Springs area.

15. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Bora Bora is the poster child of the iconic tropical paradise. This island sits 143 miles northwest of Papeete, in the South Pacific, and features the extraordinary turquoise waters, white sand beaches, and beautiful greenery you’d hope to find in the tropics–only it’s more fantastic than you can imagine.
16. Taj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

The Taj Mahal is a truly beautiful architectural feat. It’s a massive, white, marble-domed mausoleum constructed in the 1600s that attracts over three million visitors each year.

17. Tianzi Mountains, China

Set as the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie Avatar, these formations are more breathtaking than you can imagine. The area spans 16,550 acres, and the tallest peak rises about 4,140 feet above sea level.

18. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat was previously a Hindu and Buddhist temple built in the 12th century. Today, it’s an architectural wonder worth visiting.

19. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca site that dates back to the 15th century and sits atop a mountain above the Sacred Valley. The restored site offers a fantastic look into Inca history and an even more fabulous view of the astounding scenery.

20. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA

Glacier National Park offers some of the most stunning scenes in the US. It’s full of beautiful mountains, green alpine forests, and clear lakes. There are over 700 miles of trails, making it a hiker’s paradise.

21. Pamukkale, Turkey

This area is home to natural hot springs that leave travelers in awe. Don’t end your journey without bathing in one of the remarkable natural tubs.

22. Victoria Falls, Livingstone, Zambia

Are you ready to be impressed? You will be when you visit Victoria Falls. This waterfall measures one mile across and is 354 feet high. That–along with the fact that more than 260,000 gallons of water flow over the edge per second–makes it the largest singular waterfall in the world.

23. Venice, Italy

Venice is the perfect destination for travelers seeking a unique city experience. The canals that run through the city act as roadways, providing a unique transportation option while delivering a beautiful scene.

24. Lençóis Maranhenses, Brazil

This area features a collection of clean, white sand dunes intertwined with crystal clear blue waters, creating the kind of picturesque beauty you’d hope for–but rarely see–in a beach.

25. Highlands, Iceland

A dazzling Northern Lights show is something that should be on every bucket list, and one of the best places to see the show is in Iceland’s highlands.

Monday 7 July 2014

Lose at least100 lbs in next 30 days

LOSE AT LEAST 100 lbs in next 30 days

Latest statistics show that more than 65 percent of American adults and 17 percent of children and adolescents ages 2 through 19 are overweight or obese. These sobering statistics of this  ticking time-bomb has compelled countless individuals to pay more attention to their weight and health. More and more people today are trying to lose weight; but only a few manage to succeed and achieve their weight loss goals.

1. Expecting too much too soon.
Expecting to see weight loss too soon is an extremely common diet goal.  A lot of people set themselves up for derailment and failure by expecting to see great changes in their weight in a short period of time. Realistic goal setting should be a central part of a weight loss regimen.  You should remember that you have not piled up that amount of weight overnight, so naturally, you won’t be losing it overnight either. Most experts would say that expecting to lose a pound or two per week is just right.


2. Being overly restrictive with their diet.
Food is a crucial element in weight loss. One cannot possibly lose weight without reducing the amount of calories they consume or as they say, going on a diet. However, going a very restrictive diet that involves drastic calorie reduction and total elimination of certain foods can be counterproductive. Too little food intake (i.e., caloric intake of less than 50% of what your body requires) slows down the metabolism; while elimination of certain types of food can give rise to cravings and overeating. There is no need for such drastic measures to lose weight, the key to effective weight loss is portion control and smart food choices.


3. Relying on weight loss supplements.
The weight-loss industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry, all thanks to people who have the “quick fix” mentality. A lot of people make the huge mistake of believing the grand promises of dubious supplements and over-the-counter diet pills. Many of these supplements are ineffective and are just a total waste of money. If there are those that actually cause you to lose weight, the dangerous effects they pose to your health can be overwhelming.

4. Giving up too soon.
Falling off the weight loss track happens to everyone. With the difficulty of the entire weight loss process, setbacks are nothing unusual. But some people after skipping several workout sessions or after ditching healthy eating for a massive feast of high-calorie food lose the motivation to get back to their weight loss regimen. If you want to succeed with your plans to lose weight, you should get ready to meet failures and moments of weakness. Accept setbacks for what they are and find ways to overcome them and move forward.

5. Believing that going to the gym is a must.
A lot of people fail to lose weight because they never even get started. And among the most common reason is that they cannot afford a gym membership fee. Many people have this notion that losing weight entails going to the gym. If you are one who thinks the same, you should consider re-thinking that idea. To lose weight, you need to expend energy or burn off calories, and there are many ways to do that without going to the gym. Walking is one of the best exercises around and it’s virtually free.

Aside from the fact that losing weight is a painstaking and will-testing endeavor, many people dive into the weight loss bandwagon with very little knowledge of what losing weight entails; hence, many end up failing. If you are planning to embark on a weight loss journey, you might want to equip yourself with the above information so that you don’t sabotage your pound-dropping goals–like the common pitfalls of weight loss aspirants.

Whether you want to lose 20 pounds, build muscle mass or just get into a better shape, being able to doing it fast and with efficiency can surely help. This is no the magic pill or an overnight makeover, but study shows that there are some real shortcuts that can help you speed up the weight loss process, thus leading to faster and greater fitness gains. Here are a six of the most easily applicable, and scientifically proven, weight loss shortcuts. These will not only help you trim down; they will also get you into the best shape (physical and mental) of your life.

10 (Lame) Fitness Rules You Need to Quit Being Seduced By
1. Pack in protein to build muscle.
Protein is key for healthy diet for many reasons. For starters, it’s crucial to building muscle and speeding up the recovery process—especially after a hard workout. Furthermore, protein can help you feel fuller for longer, thus prevent hunger pangs and unhealthy snacking, leading to faster fat loss results. As a result, shoot for at least 0.5 to two grams per pound of your body weight per day. If you’re regular gym-goer, aim for a minimum of 2g per pound of body weight to ensure proper recovery and muscle growth. Protein rich sources include lean meat, eggs, fish and dairy products. Add supplements to your diet if you have to.

2. Eat the right way.
We’re taught that we are what we eat, but we are also how we eat. Here are a few proper ways of eating:

Eat Slowly. Research shows that taking time with each meal can help you take in less calories while enjoying every bite of it.
Banish distraction. Eating on the move or while minding modern gadgets, such the iPhone, TV set or emails, leads to overeating and unhealthy snacking later on, according to study at the University of Bristol.
Keep track. Using a food journal to keep tags on your calorie intake will help you shed light on the hidden aspects of your nutrition habits, helping you discern what need changing or tweaking. Just going about your day mindless of your eating patterns is no help at all. It’ll only lead to more setbacks.
3. Shrink your plate.
The amount of calories you take in is in direct proportion to the size of the plates you use. This is a great psychological trick that can help you cut down on your calorie intake almost overnight. According to a study published at the American Journal of Prevention Medicine, if you eat from a larger plate, you’ll consume it up to 30 percent more food than if you used a smaller one. So downsize your dish and see your calorie intake decrease as a result.

4. Lose the sweet tooth.
Most health experts agree on one thing: sugars are the root-cause of the current obesity epidemic.  That’s sugars, plural, including high-fructose corn syrup, glucose, fructose and all of its synonyms.  One of the best ways to help you cut down on your sugar intake is via following a strict Glycemic Diet (G.I). Eat only low G.I. foods; this helps you keep blood sugar levels at bay, preventing cravings for sweets. For maximum results, shoot for foods ranking below 70 on the Glycemic Index.

5. Sprint for fat loss.
Sticking to long and steady cardio as means for weight loss is waste of time. Instead, think intervals and sprints. In fact, according to a study at the University of Western Ontario, subjects doing a 35-minute interval running workouts shed about 12 percent of their body fat after six weeks of training. In addition to fat loss, interval workouts boost VO2 max through the roof, and increase HDL—or what’s known as the “good” cholesterol, and will also help you ward off heart trouble. Make sure to include a five-minute slow jog as a warm-up and a cool-down.

6. Manage your expectations correctly.
When it comes to winning the weight loss race, slow and steady gets the gold. In fact, unrealistic weight loss expectations and yo-yo dieting go hand in hand, research from George Washington University revealed. According to the scientists, the subjects who were holding on unrealistic weight loss expectations experienced fluctuations of 20 pounds or more than those who expected a gradual weight loss. The path of constant improvement is crucial here. Shooting for an unrealistic goal will only get you discouraged, even hurt. Therefore, make sure to set your weight loss goals correctly. Set small goals and keep building on them. The first step is always the hardest one—this is especially true if you have encountered some sort of setback in the past.

21 First Date Ideas
You’re going out with somebody special and you need some date ideas to try? You’ve come to the right place! When I first started dating, my idea of a date was the stereotypical cheap-dinner-and-a-movie. Don’t hate on me, I didn’t know any better! By the time I finished high school I was pretty comfortable in my own skin and got pretty good at coming up with ideas for dates. I’ve put together a list of some of my favorites as well as some suggested by friends. Enjoy!

What to wear on a first date is a different discussion entirely!
I’ve decided to split the list of first date ideas into outdoor, indoor, and “safe.” The last section is especially for those of you going on blind dates who have no idea what you’re getting into! (Been there, done that!)
Outdoor First Date Ideas
1.   Go for a walk - This is such a simple first date idea but most shy away from it because they feel like they must do something complex in order for their date to be impressed. Wrong! The only ideas you need to impress your date with are the ones that you articulate as your conversation progresses. If you are an interesting person and have found a fun person to spend time with, rest assured that a walk about town will be just fine. Remember, the idea is to leave your date wanting more. As a warning, you may be tempted to start talking about previous relationships. Don’t. That’s not how to get over an ex. Rather, enjoying the company of a fun new person without dwelling on the past will serve you best!

2.   Watch an outdoor movie – Going to a movie is pretty worn out in the world of first date ideas. You can resurrect it in a fun way by going to see a movie outdoors or, even better, at a drive-in movie theater if you still happen to have one near where you live.
3.   Create your own picnic – Pick a nice spot near where you’re meeting up and swing by a grocery store or take-out restaurant for some quick eats before setting up camp for food and conversation with your new favorite person. There’s no need to spend a lot of money. Picnics are supposed to be simple and you want it to be about getting to know your date, not truffles wrapped in gold foil!
4.   Go boating – The idea of sailing on a first date seems like a recipe for disaster but something milder, like canoeing, row boating, or taking a paddle boat out on a sunny afternoon would work well. Admittedly, the last time I took a girl on a paddle boat for a date we both ended up soaking wet with marsh moss in our hair. It was amazing though!
6.   Go for a run together – If running is your idea of a good time, an easy run with a new friend can make for a great date!
7.   Volunteer at a soup kitchen – One of the best first dates I’ve ever been on involved meeting up with a woman at 5:30am to serve breakfast at the local soup kitchen. Not only did we get to know each other better but we got to do something worthwhile that helped our community. It’s hard to come up with a reason why giving back to your community could be considered a bad idea for a first date! If you don’t have a soup kitchen or other short-order volunteer opportunity, be creative and come up with your own. There is always somebody nearby who could use some help if we are willing to give it.
8.   Get up insanely early and be the first customers at your favorite breakfast joint – You’ll get a chance to chat before the restaurant gets busy and have time to do some people-watching when the regulars start pouring in. Note: If you find somebody who is cool with rolling out of bed early to join you for a breakfast date, it’d be a bad idea to let them get away!
Indoor First Date Ideas
1.   Take intro yoga or other fitness class – If you’re really out of shape, this might not be a great idea for a first date. Otherwise, pick a class that will fit both of your fitness levels and have some fun! You should know that getting hot and sweaty
2.   Visit a psychic – Everybody likes to know the future, well, at least a prediction of it!
3.   Visit a shut-in – This might not seem like it belongs on a list of first date ideas but if you step away from your preconceptions, I think you might consider it and even try it out. Visiting people who are unable to get out and enjoy regular social interactions isn’t just a worthwhile use of your time. It gives you a chance to learn a bit about the character of your date. Is he or she willing to spend time with people who are in need? If your date is unkind it will only be a matter of time before that unkindness is pointed at you. Seek the good hearts!
4.   Play video games – PS2, Nintendo, Xbox, it doesn’t matter. If your date is into video games and you’ve got strong thumbs, it might be time for a bit of virtual smackdown! Just be careful not to beat your date too badly at whatever video game you decide to play. You don’t want your first date ideas to turn into video-game-inspired revenge ideas. =)
5.   Take a music lesson together – Have you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or some other instrument? Inviting a date along for a partner lesson at a local music school might be a fun way to start your lesson and get the much-dreaded first date out of the way.
6.   Go to a used bookstore – It can be a new bookstore if you insist. It doesn’t matter! If you and your date enjoy reading and perusing books, hitting up a bookstore on a first date may just end up being one of the ideas that sets you on a quick course to true love.

7.   Go gift shopping – Not for each other, but for somebody else. Perhaps you need to pick up a gift for your sister or some other relative and you need some insight into the process? Ask your date to give you some in-motion advice and perhaps even pick up something small for each other. Trinkets only. Save the cars and fur coats for later dates!
“Safe” First Date Ideas
1.   Take a cooking class together – Check your local community college or continuing education program for listings of cooking classes you can take if there isn't a culinary school to be found.
2.   Visit a tourist hot spot in your town that neither of you has been to before – Even if you've been living in the same place for years, there’s a great chance that you’ll have missed at least a few interesting places in your community. If it turns out that your chosen spot is a dud, get creative and come up with a few quick ideas to finish off your date. Most will give you a lot of slack if little things go wrong. Just keep the conversation interesting and the venue won’t be such a killer.
3.   Attend a local film or music festival – It’s a rare individual who won’t enjoy a local festival at least a bit. This is a pretty safe bet for anybody but the most boring of people.
4.   Meet up for a drink – This is one of the safest, and therefore one of the most-used first date ideas. You can make things a bit more adventurous by visiting a jazz club or finding a bar that will teach you to make new drinks. Of course, you could always go and grab some bottled water. =)
5.   Visit a new restaurant – There’s a bit of risk in eating at a new restaurant because you can’t be sure of the quality but this first date idea still makes the “safe” list because it’s not hugely risky.
6.   Eat in – Do you already have great cooking skills? If so, break ‘em out for an early dinner! You might want to check for possible food allergies before you start sharing your iron chef skills though.
7.   Phone it in – Oh yeah, the date that consists entirely of talking into a small electronic device. This one is for all you cyber dating pros out there looking for first date ideas like you planned on doing something other than talking on your phone. =) All jokes aside, there are some benefits to phoning in. Sure, you don’t get to see your date’s face while you’re talking, but that also means that you don’t have to get dressed up or worry about what your face looks like. See? Might not be a bad idea.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Practical Ways To Improve Yourself

Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better?
If you do, then we have something in common. I’m very passionate about personal growth. It was just 4 years ago when I discovered my passion for growing and helping others grow. At that time, I was 22 and in my final year of university. As I thought about the meaning of life, I realized there was nothing more meaningful than to pursue a life of development and betterment. It is through improving ourselves that we get the most out of life.

After 1.5 years of actively pursuing growth and helping others to grow through my personal development blog, I realize there is never an end to the journey of self improvement. The more I grow, the more I realize there isso much out there I don’t know, so much that I have to learn. For sure, there is always something about ourselves we can improve on. The human potential is limitless, so it’s impossible to reach a point of no growth. Whenever we think we are good, we can be even better.
As a passionate advocate of growth, I’m continuously looking for ways to self-improve. I’ve compiled 42 of my best tips which might be helpful in your personal growth journey. Some of them are simple steps which you can engage in immediately. Some are bigger steps which takes conscious effort to act on. Here they are:

1.   Read a book every day. Books are concentrated sources of wisdom. The more books you read, the more wisdom you expose yourself to. What are some books you can start reading to enrich yourself? Some books I’ve read and found useful are Think and Grow Rich, Who Moved My Cheese, 7 Habits, The Science of Getting Rich and Living the 80/20 Way. I’ve heard positive reviews for The Tipping Point, Outliers and The Difference Maker, so I’ll be checking them out soon.
2.   Learn a new languageAs a Singaporean Chinese, my main languages are English, Mandarin and Hokkien (a Chinese dialect). Out of interest, I took up language courses in the past few years such as Japanese and Bahasa Indonesian. I realized learning a language is a whole new skill altogether and the process of acquainting with a new language and culture is a totally a mind-opening experience.
3.   Pick up a new hobby. Beyond just your usual favorite hobbies, is there something new you can pick up? Any new sport you can learn? Examples are fencing, golf, rock climbing, football, canoeing, or ice skating. Your new hobby can also be a recreational hobby. For example, pottery, Italian cooking, dancing, wine appreciation, web design, etc.  Learning something new requires you to stretch yourself in different aspects, whether physically, mentally or emotionally.

4.   Take up a new courseIs there any new course you can join? Courses are a great way to gain new knowledge and skills. It doesn’t have to be a long-term course – seminars or workshops serve their purpose too. I’ve been to a few workshops and they have helped me gain new insights which I had not considered before.
5.   Create an inspirational room. Your environment sets the mood and tone for you. If you are living in an inspirational environment, you are going to be inspired every day. In the past, I didn’t like my room at all because I thought it was messy and dull. A few years ago, I decided this was the end of it – I started on a “Mega Room Revamp” project and overhauled my room. The end result? A room I totally relish being in and inspires me to be at my peak every day.
6.   Overcome your fears. All of us have fears. Fear of uncertainty, fear of public speaking, fear of risk… All our fears  keep us in the same position and prevent us from growing. Recognize that your fears reflect areas where you can grow. I always think of fears as the compass for growth. If I have a fear about something, it represents something I’ve yet to address, and addressing it helps me to grow.

7.   Level up your skills. If you have played video games before especially RPGs, you’ll know the concept of leveling up – gaining experience so you can be better and stronger. As a blogger, I’m constantly leveling up my writing skills. As a speaker, I’m constantly leveling up my public engagement abilities. What skills can you level up?
8.   Wake up early. Waking up early (say, 5-6am) has been acknowledged by many (Anthony Robbins, Robin Sharma, among other self-help gurus) to improve your productivity and your quality of life. I feel it’s because when you wake up early, your mindset is already set to continue the momentum and proactively live out the day. Seth recently wrote a waking up early series which you should check out to help cultivate this habit.
9.   Have a weekly exercise routine. A better you starts with being in better physical shape. I personally make it a point to jog at least 3 times a week, at least 30 minutes each time. You may want to mix it up with jogging, gym lessons and swimming for variation.
10.       Start your life handbookA life handbook is an idea I started 3 years ago. Basically, it’s a book which contains the essentials on how you can live your life to the fullest, such as your purpose, your values and goals. Sort of like your manual for your life. I started my life handbook since 2007 and it’s been a crucial enabler in my progress.
11.       Write a letter to your future self. What do you see yourself as 5 years from now? Will you be the same? Different?  What kind of person will you be? Write a letter to your future self – 1 year from now will be a good start – and seal it. Make a date in your calendar to open it 1 year from now. Then start working to become the person you want to open that letter.
12.       Get out of your comfort zone. Real growth comes with hard work and sweat. Being too comfortable doesn’t help us grow – it makes us stagnate. What is your comfort zone? Do you stay in most of the time? Do you keep to your own space when out with other people? Shake your routine up. Do something different. By exposing yourself to a new context, you’re literally growing as you learn to act in new circumstances.
13.       Put someone up to a challenge. Competition is one of the best ways to grow. Set a challenge (weight loss, exercise, financial challenge, etc) and compete with an interested friend to see who achieves the target first. Through the process, both of you will gain more than if you were to set off on the target alone.
14.       Identify your blind spotsScientifically, blind spots refer to areas our eyes are not capable of seeing. In personal development terms, blind spots are things about ourselves we are unaware of. Discovering our blind spots help us discover our areas of improvement. One exercise I use to discover my blind spots is to identify all the things/events/people that trigger me in a day – trigger meaning making me feel annoyed/weird/affected. These represent my blind spots. It’s always fun to do the exercise because I discover new things about myself, even if I may already think I know my own blind spots (but then they wouldn’t be blind spots would they?). After that, I work on steps to address them.
15.       Ask for feedback. As much as we try to improve, we will always have blind spots. Asking for feedback gives us an additional perspective. Some people to approach will be friends, family, colleagues, boss, or even acquaintances, since they will have no preset bias and can give their feedback objectively.
16.       Stay focused with to-do lists. I start my day with a list of tasks I want to complete and this helps make me stay focused. In comparison, the days when I don’t do this end up being extremely unproductive. For example, part of my to-do list for today is to write a guest post and this is why I’m writing this now! Since my work requires me to use my computer all the time, I use Free Sticky Notes to manage my to-do lists. It’s really simple to use and it’s a freeware, so I recommend you check it out.
17.       Set Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs). I’m a big fan of setting BHAGs. BHAGs stretch you beyond your normal capacity since they are big and audacious – you wouldn’t think of attempting them normally. What are BHAGs you can embark on, which you’ll feel absolutely on top of the world once you complete them? Set them and start working on them.
18.       Acknowledge your flaws. Everyone has flaws. What’s most important is to understand them, acknowledge them, and address them. What do you think are your flaws? What are the flaws you can work on now? How do you want to address them?
19.       Get into action. The best way to learn and improve is to take action. What is something you have been meaning to do? How can you take action on it immediately? Waiting doesn’t get anything done. Taking action gives you immediate results to learn from.
20.       Learn from people who inspire you. Think about people you admire. People who inspire you. These people reflect certain qualities you want to have for yourself too. What are the qualities in them you want to have for yourself? How can you acquire these qualities?